Introducing Polynesia Bible Institute

Punaauia, Tahiti, French Polynesia January 18th, 2024 The Polynesia Bible Institute held its inaugural meeting on the evening of January 18th, 2024, the prerequisite to official recognition as a non-profit organization in French Polynesia.  The following officers were...
Evanelia Tahiti Supports Their First Student

Evanelia Tahiti Supports Their First Student

We have our first student and part-time partner, Punari’i Li, a young man who is gifted at personal evangelism and Gospel preaching.  We first met Punari’i in February on our child evangelism trip to Raiatea where he was a little unsure about how and what...
Women’s Ministry in Tahiti

Women’s Ministry in Tahiti

Five Women from VMI arrived in French Polynesia to teach an intensive course on our God of Hope and How to live the Christian Life from Salvation to Eternal Rewards. Our greatest relationship begins with the understanding of our sinfulness and separation from our...
Bible Camp, English Club, and Operation Christmas Child on Tahiti

Bible Camp, English Club, and Operation Christmas Child on Tahiti

By Rachel Musser Over the past three weeks, Amber and I have had the opportunity to go back to Tahiti, the largest of 118 islands in French Polynesia, the South Pacific Archipelago! We were blessed to help serve again with Evanelia in both women’s and children’s...
Votive Offerings on Raiatea

Votive Offerings on Raiatea

In the accompanying photo you can see dozens of votive offerings at a pagan altar on the island of Raiatea.  At other altars there were hundreds more.  The location is the most sacred pagan worship site in all the Polynesian triangle, Taputapuatea.  The...