Read the Latest Issue of the Evanelia Tahiti Newsletter!
Keep up-to-date with all that is happening in our Christian Education ministry outreach to the amazing people in Tahiti and South Polynesia. 
2/01/2024 – Envisioned, Planned, Launched, and On Course!Polynesia Bible Institute - Institut Biblique De Polynésie Our First Students, 10 Hours of Study on Christology

After years of envisioning and planning and a full year of preparation, our Bible Institute of Polynesia has launched the first course of its two-year program, Christology. We had no idea what to expect as far as the number of students who would begin their journey with us. Even in the last week, we thought maybe a handful would be the best. We were overjoyed when 10 came the first night, and others have joined us since. Several are also following us on our YouTube channel. We are grateful to our prayer supporters for this blessing and to our God, who is faithful and true to His leading.

The students are doing very well! They have intelligent questions, do well on the quiz questions, and are eager to learn. Already I can see several who have the potential to be teachers, and training teachers is the highest measure of our long-term success. Please continue to pray for Damien, Punari’i, Natacha, Norine, Freddy, Vahinetua, Therese, Carson, Jerome, and Constance. They will need perseverance to keep going.

Peruse the Evanelia Tahiti Newsletter Archives
See the amazing things God has done!
“How great is the goodness You have stored up for those who fear You. You lavish it on those who come to You for protection, blessing them before the watching world.”Psalm 31:19 NLT


Evanelia Tahiti is organized to assist the people of French Polynesia in the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ through education. Every level and type of education may be in view, from the kitchen table or Sunday
school class to the highest levels of university training. Through education we will be a vessel of God’s blessing for
this tiny, geographically large nation.


Please contact us with how you might serve and when you might visit this year and beyond and we will begin to make plans from our end.