Building Friendships, Pastors, Tools, and a Library

Building Friendships, Pastors, Tools, and a Library

FriendshipsMy lifelong friend Jack Bailey visited recently, accompanied by his 13 year old daughter Ella and 87 year old father Jack.  Jack and I were celebrating 50 years of friendship with eating, island adventures, and fellowship. One night during their visit, we...
Half a World Away

Half a World Away

Half a world away in Ukraine many dear friends remain in harm’s way in the wake of the Russian invasion.  Some have fled west to Poland and southwest to Rumania while others are in transit, dodging the pincers of the Russian army and fleeing...
Education in French Polynesia

Education in French Polynesia

French Polynesia – Islands, Education, Tahiti, and Rate – Children generally start school at age 5 and complete primary education by age 12. The ages of compulsory education are 6 through 16. Tahiti has a literacy rate of 98 percent. On...
Gospel of John Translated into Tahitian

Gospel of John Translated into Tahitian

For 8 generations Tahitians have been reading a Bible missing the condition of belief for eternal salvation.  The original translator decided to use the Tahitian word “hear” instead of the one which means to “hear and receive as...
An Extraordinary Year

An Extraordinary Year

This was a year of extraordinary change, challenge, and blessing for us, beginning in Colorado and ending in French Polynesia.  As we reflect often, it is only because of prayer and our powerful and gracious God that any of this happened.  We find ourselves...