We have our first student and part-time partner, Punari’i Li, a young man who is gifted at personal evangelism and Gospel preaching. We first met Punari’i in February on our child evangelism trip to Raiatea where he was a little unsure about how and what to share. We then spent five days with him on Taha’a in May, where we were very pleased to see his new confidence and clarity in preaching and sharing Gospel coins. Since then, we have enjoyed working and walking with him in the Lord.. Last month he very humbly asked us to teach him because in his words he had never met anyone with as much knowledge of the Bible as us. We said yes.

We are now working with him, not only guiding him through Stranger on the Road to Emmaus but also planning a robust Bible education for him and doing group Bible study and street evangelism together. He has enthusiastically shared Stranger on the Road to Emmaus with his family and many others in his circle. Because he supports his parents and his own children, we decided to offer him modest support through Evanelia Tahiti, the specific reason for the existence of that fund. We walked him through our doctrinal statement, received character recommendations, and he is now officially engaged with Evanelia Tahiti. He is a very humble growing believer, still new to his Christian walk. We would like to see him go as far as the Lord has designed for his education. For now it is informal and personal, but why not go for more? Please pray for Punari’i as he grows in his knowledge of the Scripture and his understanding of God’s will for his life in ministry.