Five Women from VMI arrived in French Polynesia to teach an intensive course on our God of Hope and How to live the Christian Life from Salvation to Eternal Rewards. Our greatest relationship begins with the understanding of our sinfulness and separation from our Creator and Great God of the Universe, Perfect and Holy who provided the only solution in our Lord Jesus Christ who finished His work by dying for every sin of mankind and defeating death three days later. These ladies kept up many hours of teaching so that the hearers could also understand how to walk with Christ and follow His example by learning and growing in their daily relationship through the Word of God with His grace provision in every area of life.

We struggled to make plans on Moorea before they arrived but by God’s grace many doors opened. The Upper Room Church met four nights in a row and the women were so thrilled with all of the teaching and the special time set aside after each session to discuss and find personal applications. We met Sylvanna whose house the church meets in and who shared some of her struggles as a Christian and how God’s character helped her in her difficulties. We were blessed to pray with her and see answers to those prayers in that short time we were together. We received texts from the pastor and his wife: “My wife really appreciated the Women’s meeting last night and I believe the other women of our church will be blessed tonight also.” “I would like to thank you and all the team for the four night seminar. Be richly blessed.” Jessica, his wife commented, “A quick hello . I wanted to thank you for the women’s seminar. There weren’t many of us but those who were present we appreciate it.” This begins a new relationship for us with this church we pray will continue to grow and blossom.
On Thursday, our translator, Mareva, had a Christian friend, Lolita who provides aide to troubled women by giving them and their children a safe place to live, clothes to wear, and help in filing paperwork. She and her aids were so encouraged by the teaching because they realize the importance of providing this missing dimension of spiritual truth in these intense suffering situations. As a believer, Lolita wanted her group of leaders to be able to offer spiritual solutions to help in every situation. We look forward to on going opportunity for spiritual teaching and encouragement with these ladies.

Back on Tahiti we ended the time with intensive teaching on Friday and Saturday at a retreat center. Aline Cicero, who previously clearly translated the many pages of summary handouts we gave to each group during each session, was such a huge help before the conference started and then inviting many of her friends to hear these amazing truths on Moorea and Tahiti. Aline translated with such heart and was so moved by the information saying she knew many of these truths but had never seen them so well organized before and knew every woman who heard them would be blessed. She was especially encouraged by Jackie’s teaching on the story of Joseph and what amazing insight she shared with the ladies. Aline has spent the last week reading the chapters in Genesis to ponder and understand the sufferings Joseph endured and how God blessed him through it.
Though we hear quite often that Tahitians cannot focus on the Word of God being taught for long periods, we were happy to be reminded God’s Word never comes back void and these ladies listened, prayed, sang and cried with joy at their new understanding of this great God they worship. Maybe Tahitians are only lacking in the great teaching of the Word of God to spend their time listening to it!!
Hinahere was going for a run with her husband up the mountain street where the retreat center was located and stopped running and started learning!! She had been listening to the Pope every day because she was desperate for good bible teaching and help with her own personal sufferings which were being clearly taught at this conference. We were able to provide a new bible for her before she left and give her the most important Words of encouragement! The next day she showed up at our local church with her children where she met others she already knew through her children’s school. What a great God we serve who cares about encouraging and loving every one of His children!
VMI provided a way for us to connect with many women we had never met before who wanted to learn and know their Lord better. We are now tasked with following up and finding a way to continue to encourage with their own daily growth and discipling their friends and families with salvation and the importance of ongoing spiritual growth.