A day after we put plan B in place, we learned that our visas were coming. Today, Monday, they arrived. Plan B is no more. Our plan is to fly down on Thursday, September 9th, and to begin serving the Chief Shepherd in Tahiti the following day. There are still several hurdles to pray for:The detailed paperwork involved in traveling overseas right now.Protection from COVID here, there, and in the air. We are vaccinated, but even a mild case would delay us for weeks.That France would not close the borders in French Polynesia until we are there. We know it’s not all about us, but we want to be in our field and with our people.Smooth sailing and reasonable transit time for our small shipping container as it heads down to us. That we would be able to get internet service at our new place and buy a reliable used car in a reasonable amount of time. Re-connections with ministry partners we haven’t seen in a year; new connections; wisdom in how to devote our time.And especially, for all the Tahitians who are in the midst of the catastrophic outbreak and economic devastation from COVID. Pray that we are able to bring of ministry of hope in the Gospel and the faithfulness of God through all the travails of life.We thank God for you all and your diligence in prayers on our behalf. Serving Him, Mark & Rene’ |