Evanelia Tahiti recently received a generous gift of $40,000.

The family of the donor, who has now passed away, has indicated a desire that Evanelia launch a matching fund campaign.

Our campaign will focus on Three E’s – Establishing, Evangelizing, and Educating.

These Three E’s will aim at  overcoming the most significant challenges of the Tahitian mission field: the lack of a clear Gospel message and the poor level of education, especially in the more remote locations.

With your matching gift, Evanelia will work to Establish a local, legally recognized entity and five Evanelia Learning Centers.

With your matching gift, Evanelia will Evangelize through the BOOKMOBILE, Operation Christmas Child, and English Clubs.

With your matching gift, Evanelia will work to Educate locally on Tahiti and through Evanelia Learning Centers on islands where the need is great.

Three E Matching Campaign Needs:

Vehicle Needs – $12,000

Studyships and scholarships – $8,000

BOOKMOBILE Library – $3,000

Evanelia Learning Centers – $5,000

Personnel – $8,000

Travel, Legal, and Office $4,000

Total Need: $40,000