God made our hands to love and serve, but touch the heart can only words!
I wrote that little ditty years ago to keep me grounded to the importance of bringing glory to God in whatever I say and wherever I might be! Our words can build up or break down. Just look at the Woman at the Well in John 4 and how beautifully Christ used His words to give life, spiritual life! And as a brand new believer she went on to use her words and enthusiasm to bring her whole town to meet their Messiah! That’s my goal in Tahiti even though I don’t speak the language yet. I smile, hug, keep Gospel coins in my pockets, cook, and drive! 

All this to support the teaching and training of Tahitians, and even more I pray that I also might encourage believers and maybe even prick the conscience of those who don’t know Christ yet. I have been blessed to teach the Word of God to kids for almost 40 years now and I hope to continue loving them more in a whole new country. As for hospitality, I really enjoy serving a home cooked meal or providing a place to stay to any soul in need. God has graciously blessed us with so many visitors over the years and it’s so exciting to talk about the Lord with each one of them. I love making new friends for Jesus!! Paul says in Colossians 4:6 “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” I pray that God will continue to use my words for His glory to make a new friend for Him every day!

In His Love,
